Archbishop KALLINIKOS of Athens and all Greece
- Metropolitan ATHANASIOS of Larisa and Platamon
- Metropolitan JUSTIN of Evripos and Euboia
- Metropolitan GERONTIOS of Piræus and Salamis
- Metropolitan CHRYSOSTOMOS of Attica and Boiotia
- Metropolitan GREGORY of Thessalonike
- Metropolitan PHOTIOS of Demetrias
- Metropolitan MOSES of Toronto
- Metropolitan DEMETRIOS of America
- Metropolitan AMBROSE of Philippi and Maroneia
- Metropolitan CYPRIAN of Oropos and Phyle
- Bishop AMBROSE of Methone
- Bishop KLEMES of Gardikion
- Bishop AUXENTIOS of Etna and Portland
- Bishop THEODOSIOS of Bresthena
- Bishop CHRISTODOULOS of Theoupolis
- Bishop MAXIMUS of Pelagonia
- Bishop DANIEL of Nikopolis (Jakarta) and all Indonesia
- Metropolitan PAUL (formerly) of America
- Bishop CHRYSOSTOMOS of Christiano
Kaningos 32 (3rd storey) 106 82 Athens
Tel.: (+30) 210 38.28.280
FAX: (+30) 210 38.47.365
e-mail: ecclesiagoc@gmail.com
Sinode Kudus GGOC

- The first organizer and Metropolitan of the Old Calendar Orthodox Church of Romania was the renowned Confessor, Saint Glicherie († 1985), who was already venerated by the faithful as a holy man at his repose; his co-worker and successor was Metropolitan Silvestru († 1992).
I. Members of the Holy Synod
First Hierarch
The Most Reverend Metropolitan Vlasie (1992–)

Metropolitan Vlasie hails from a large family that has dedicated many of its children to the service of the Church and of the Romanian nation (his brother is a retired Procurator and one of his nephews, a former Fulbright Scholar in the U.S., teaches law at Moldavia’s premier academic institution, the Al. I. Cuza University in Jassey [Iaşi]). A spiritual son of St. Glicherie, he received his monastic and theological training at the Monastery of the Transfiguration in Slătioara, which served as the administrative, educational, and spiritual center of the Romanian Old Calendarist movement during the years of persecution under the communist regime.
During these difficult times, the Old Calendarist clergy (including many of the present Bishops) were imprisoned and brutally treated, sadly and tragically enough often with the implicit cooperation of the innovative Patriarchate of Romania, which experienced a number of unheard-of innovations and excesses (some of them happily abandoned in more recent times) at the time that it adopted the New Calendar and sparked the Old Calendarist resistance. Old Calendarist students in the theological faculties (and, indeed, those studying in other faculties) of the chief universities were dismissed and frequently summarily charged with false crimes and imprisoned. The Romanian Old Calendarists now enjoy full religious freedom in a democratic Romania and, under Metropolitan Vlasie’s able guidance, have gained legal status from the Ministry of Religion and seen the construction of a score of new churches and monastic institutions.
In 1992, in recognition of his sacrifices for the Old Calendar Church of Romania and his theological and historical writings, His Eminence was awarded the Licentiate in Theology, honoris causa, by the Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, which also published, in 1999, one of his books in English translation: The Life of the Holy Hierarch and Confessor Glicherie of Romania. In 1995, the Trustees of the Florovsky Fund awarded Metropolitan Vlasie the “Florovsky Theological Prize,” citing the outstanding quality of his published sermons and other writings.
Members: Their Graces, The Right Reverend Bishops
Demosten of Neamţ
Ghenadie of Bacău
Teodosie of Braşov
Sofronie of Suceava
Iosif of Botoşani
Flavian of Ilfov
Antonie of Ploieşti
Glicherie of Iaşi
Dionisie of Galaţi
Evloghie of Sibiu
II. Headquarters
Monastery of the Transfiguration, Slătioara, Moldavia
- Address: Mânăstireă Slătioara, Com. Râşca, Judeţul Suceava, Cod Post 5788,
România - Telephone number: 0040 230 57001 and 0040 230 570012
- Fax number: 0040 230 544541
III. Clergy
1. Priests: 160
– Hieromonks: 45
– Married Priests: 115
2. Deacons: 26
IV. Monastics
1. Monks: 290
2. Nuns: 510
V. Parishes: 130
VI. Monastic Institutions
1. Major Monastic Institutions: 13 (monasteries: 6; convents: 7).
2. Hesychasteria and Sketes: 21
3. The Cœnobitic Monastery of the Transfiguration in Slătioara numbers about one hundred monks and serves as a spiritual center for the Romanian Old Calendar Faithful.
VII. Publications
1. Periodicals
a) Traditia Ortodoxa [official periodical]
b) Catacombele Ortodoxiei
2. Annual pocket and wall calendars
3. Various books: Lives of Saints, historical works, discourses against heresy
VIII. Website on the Internet

Russian Orthodox Church Abroad

• After the atheistic (Bolshevik) Revolution of 1917 in Russia, one part of the Russian Orthodox Church left the country and was dispersed to almost every continent of the globe, organized, with the Russian Patriarch’s blessing, as an autonomous ecclesiastical jurisdiction with a synodal hierarchy, clergy, monastics, and a large flock of faithful.
• The thus separated “Russian Orthodox Church Abroad” always constituted a witness to Orthodoxy (correct belief) and Orthopraxy (correct observance of the Faith), and especially through its many Holy Hierarchs and other of its outstanding members. It fervently supported the Church Calendar of the Fathers and resisted the twentieth-century innovations in the Orthodox Church, as well as the heresy of ecumenism, which it also condemned by Synodal decree in 1983, under the administration of its late First Hierarch, the Holy Confessor Metropolitan Philaret (+ 1985).
• From this Church of the Russians in Diaspora, the Orthodox Church of the anti-ecumenists following the Patristic Church Calendar in Greece received, in 1960 and 1962, its episcopal Consecrations.
• After the union of the greater part of the Russian Church Abroad, under Metropolitan Laurus, with the Moscow Patriarchate (May 4/17, 2007), without an Orthodox resolution of their differences in matters of Faith, His Eminence, Bishop Agafangel of Odessa and Tauris, not accepting this union, was appointed head of the “Temporary Supreme Ecclesiastical Administration” of the remnant of the Clergy and flock of the Church Abroad remaining faithful to an Orthodox confession of the Faith, thus perpetuating the glorious historical course of the Church Abroad.
• This ecclesiastical jurisdiction numbers about eighty parishes worldwide, with nearly seventy clergy in Ukraine, North and South America, in areas of the former Soviet Union, and in various other parts of the world.
Headquarters: Odessa, Ukraine
– Postal address: The Most Reverend Agafangel
– Michailovskaya 1, Odessa 65005, Ukraine
– Tel. no.: 0038 048 7320801, 7334464
– Fax no.: 0038 048 7311203
– E-mail: agafangel@paco.net
Members of the Holy Synod:
– Archbishop George of Kishinev (Chișinău) and Moldova
– Archbishop John of Buinsk and Volzhsk
– Bishop Athanasius of Vologda and Veliky Ustyug
– Bishop Gregory of Sao Paulo and South America
– Bishop Cyril of Voronezh and South Russia
– Bishop Anastasy of Vladivostok
– Bishop Nikon of Ishim and Siberia
– Bishop Anthim of Cimișlia
– Bishop Nicholas of Poti
– Bishop Roman of Haifa
– Bishop John of Melbourne
Website on the Internet: